Seconds sale — 20 – 22 March

M/305a Mansfield St
Sat & Sun 2-7/Mon 5-7

Close to 100 of my imperfect ceramic pieces available for a koha! The inaugural Newtown Open Studios is part of Newtown Festival and I am super stoked to be participating this year!

Take all of these pieces away for a koha!

All the koha will go to the bands playing at our Neighbour’s Day Musical Extravaganza!

There are lots of beautiful pieces here that need new homes. These will be available along with heaps of nice non-flawed pieces I have made for Newtown Open Studios.

Most of them have glaze flaws, some have cracks. Others I just think are ugly and don’t want to look at anymore. There are bowls, teapots, vases, mugs, cups, platters and more.

Please take them away so I have room to make more and I can thank the lovely musicians who have volunteered to play at our mini-festival.

Neighbours Day Musical Extravaganza

Thanks so much to the amazing bands who have volunteered to play on Saturday. I love being part of a creative community full of artists making visual art, music, performance and more. It’s so awesome! I have been wanting to organise a community event for Neighbours Day for years, but unfortunately had to cancel it last year because of lockdown.

Many thanks to Newtown Open Studios for this opportunity! I am really excited to also see the work being created by lots of my neighbours around our laneway. I see people coming and going from their workshops but hardly ever get to see what they are actually working on. This is a wonderful opportunity for sharing and connecting in my community.

All the donations for the seconds will go to the amazing musical artists playing on Saturday! It’s not easy to make a living from art, and I believe artists should be paid fairly for their work. So hopefully we raise a bit of money to give the people performing!

I was thinking of calling this mini-festival ‘Assgrown’, as a nod to Homegrown (which I have had to annoyingly ride my bike around on the waterfront every day this week) + Nice ASSets. But I went with ‘Neighbours Day Musical Extravaganza’ instead. Good choice?

Neighbour’s Day Musical Extravaganza
20 March 2021
2pm – Yolk
3pm – Solo Ono
4pm – Pinkship
5pm – Psychic Paywalls
6pm – erdington
7pm – Terror of the Deep

Flyer for Neighbour's Day Musical Extravaganza
20 March 2021
2pm - Yolk
3pm - Solo Ono
4pm - Pinkship
5pm - Psychic Paywalls
6pm - erdington
7pm - Terror of the Deep

Sorry no holds! Also I am not shipping any of this, so get in quick if you want to score some slightly flawed pottery bargains!

There will be EFTPOS available too!

Looking forward to welcoming you to my studio/workshop/home/derelict shed.

xoxox Nicole

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