COVID Protection Framework update

As of this Friday 3 Dec Wellington moves into the Orange light system and I will be required to check COVID vaccination status for lessons and workshops as these fall under the ‘close proximity business’ NZ COVID protection framework rules.  I am also required to be double-vaccinated in order to offer close-proximity services (which I am).

If you have any issues with this affecting your upcoming lesson/workshop please let me know and we can discuss options (which could include 1m physical distancing or waiting until Wellington is at a ‘green’ traffic light).  I want to make sure I don’t exclude anyone while also complying with govt guidelines as there can be a $15,000 fine! 

I personally have had some pretty awful experiences with the healthcare system so I really empathise with vaccine-hesitancy, and if it were up to me I would not have to be policing people’s bodies or vaccination status in order to teach pottery!  Having to do this makes me quite uncomfortable so please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns or just to discuss with me!

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